Interview with John Malloy

a)I didn't take art seriously until I turned 30.
q) Had you always planned on being an artist [or had you other hopes]?
a)Yeah, but never used to take enough time to really find a voice, now I'm in a constant state of just getting started.
q) Do you have a preferred medium to work on? Why?
a)Oil paint. I think it's the most effective tool for creating a believable alternate world.
q) How would you describe your style?
a)I have no idea.
q) Do you go through any certain processes while trying to produce your work?
a)Every piece is different, but I start with very simple preliminary sketches, and leave most of the detail up to exploration while creating the final piece.
q) What are you working on at present?
a)A painting of and against pornography.
q) What about recent sources of inspirations?
a)William Blake and MSTRKRFT.

a)New music and my girlfriend...
q) Which galleries have you shown at and which galleries would you like to show at?
a)Lamama LaGalleria in NYC, the GSPOT in Baltimore, and will be showing at The Rabbit Hole Gallery in Atlanta in August. I'd love to show at BLVD in California or Jonathan Levine in NY.
q) If people would like to contact you, how would you like to be contacted?
a)Email's usually best.
q) Do you have any suggestions or advice for artists that are just starting out?
a)Don't be afraid of something you're good at just because it's easy,and explore it from every angle and perspective.

a)Alejandro Jodorowsky, Tim Hawkinson, Kara Walker, Petah Coyne...
q) What books are on your nightstand?
a)Sadly I haven't been reading anything lately.
q) To what weaknesses are you most indulgent?
a)Coffee & Cigarettes.

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