q)So, can you tell me a little about yourself? Full name, age, some background info, etc?
a) Hi my name is Brian M. Viveros and I'm a functioning smoking alcoholic. I'm 30 years old and I enjoy drawing and painting smoking woman and making surreal films. My first shot and break at doing a show was back in 1997 The Art of Porn exhibition held in Switzerland where I exhibited with H.R.Giger thanks to friend and Art advisor Les Barany (Giger's agent).I was excited to be a part of a show with H.R.Giger and a list of other greats I always looked up to and respected.I must have jacked off ten times that day....maybe seven......no I think it was six. Since then my work has been in numerous gallery shows and exhibitions in the United States and Europe, and has appeared in Secret Mag,In the Flesh,Skin Two,Drawing Blood,Juxtapoz,Art Alternatives,People Mag Australia,CthuluSex and Fetish Magazine and I can't forget the upcoming december issue of GQ mag International.
q)How did you get started making art?
a)I got started making art at an early age, as I take a hit of my smoke I think to myself and it makes me smile. Drawing with my father was always a great excercise for me. We had this thing called the PitFighters . He would draw one fighter and I would draw his opponent. His were always so much better than mine. The weapons,the detail,the story behind the character. Helped me a lot,made me want to work harder.He was a bodybuilder and owned his own Gym.Muscle bound freaks in and out of my young world. Seeing these monstrosities in person nurtured the depraved and twisted figures of the body I see in my mind today.The page now turns. In the evenings-to my great childhood delight-my father was on call as a surgical tech to make extra money.I would wait up for him to hear the gory stories of his cases. On several occasions,he brought home pictures of real operations,suture kits,and medical clamps.We would practice sewing up napkins and oranges pretending it to be flesh.I look back on these specific moments,there are so many more but these I think layed the path.All these elements in your life make you who you are, and at that age as a kid I poured everything onto paper.The pencil was and still is my best fucking friend.I thank you father for all those great memories.
q)How would you describe your art?
a)Strong Smoking Sexy Surreal Erotic You can't FUCK WITH ME she says kind of art.
q)Where do you get the inspiration for your art?
a)Porn and snuff films...just kidding,a lot of different things inspire me.People you see on the streets,the past,photography,friends artwork,the sky,music ,certain moments and words.
q)What are you working on now?
a)Currently working on my first full length independent film. My first film was a short entitled DISLANDIA . This NEW piece I'm working on is entitled SOUTHERN and it should be out this year.Just finished up three illustrations for the December issue of GQ International and a profile spread in an upcoming issue of Secret Mag. Also my website is being redone with prints and originals for sale at www.brianviveros.com.I will probably launch it for the new year.
q)Are there some web sites that you would like to recomend? Artists, art communities, xxx,...!?
a)www.artatlarge.com www.baranyartists.com www.dislandia.com www.secretmag.com www.cthulhusex.com www.porninart.ch

q)What's your favorite medium to work in, and why?
a) To pick a favorite would probably be oils right now. Ummm...I like how it moves and I love the smell.Since I had no formal training I just go with what I feel. The oils are unpredictable and thats exxxciting to me.
q)What advice would you give to younger up and coming artist?
a)Just to really stick it out.......ya know. It takes a lot of hard work but find what you really love and keep on doing it. Develop your own style and approach to what you enjoy painting and always make copies or scans of your work . Another thing that I did which is the old school way of doing things is I would constantly put together packages and mail them out to magazines that catered to the themes and subject matter of the type of work that I did. And yes I did get a lot of rejection letters.....thats not a bad thing. You just keep going. Someone will eventually publish your work and it will lead you to other doors and opportunities.
q)What is your personal definition of life and art and everything else in between?
a)Life is Art and everything else in between I could give two fucks for.
q)Take us inside your process a little bit. How do you begin a piece? What inspires the concept?
a)I begin a piece usually sketching with an airbrush. It allows the image to appear very loose and surreal. Through the sketch I can read the hard lines that stand out. I then sometimes go over that with color pencil tightening up the lines I like and then work my oils on top of that. The inspiration can come from anything you see......an old photo that I would love to distort. a person on the street,a relaxed mind and just letting your hand go. For me it's always in the form of a smoking woman.

q)What are your artistic influences?
a)My early influences came from comics. I was a big admirer of underground horror and indendent books. My favorite comic artist was and still is Tim Vigil. Not just that his art is incredible but it's what he stands for in his work and how true he stayed to what he loves. I've always loved and admired the work of H.R. GIGER. Last year Giger had me and my wife over to his home after my first solo exhibition in Zurich Switzerland. It really was a dream come true. PICASSO,SCHIELE,MUCHA,VARGAS,KLIMPT,FRAZETTA,BEARDSLEY are all a great influence to me along with my close and real friends.
q)How are the reactions on your work in general?
a)Lately the response has been really good. A lot of galleries want to do shows and people are actually starting to e mail me about my work. I just had a solo exhibition in Zurich and the response and reaction to my work was very powerful.
q)What are you doing when you are not creating art?
a) Smoking,drinking,drawing,masturbating.
q)Tell us about a recent dream you had
a)The last dream I had I was able to sketch out and may be putting it to film. It was a big open area and all these woman were gathered around in this kind of huddle. And it's from a distance just to kind of put you in my dream.As you get closer they are in these see through type of gowns with hoods.They have huge needles and they are sewing up the ground, the old in and out the weaving,penetrating the earth with this huge fucked up needle and thread.It looks like a giant vagina with-in the earth being stitched up by these exotic looking woman. That's all I remember and it was fucking RAD.
q)What is freedom to you as an artist?
a)To give back in some way,to leave my art and films behind and hope that it is found and looked back upon as something great. To make people think about something a little different for one second is my freedom. To create is my freedom. That my work will have an impact someday,that is freedom .......that is my freedom

q)Are there any particular works you’ve done that stand out as your favorites?
a)Well my film Dislandia is my favorite piece thus far. That and this Ars Erotica Book I recently came out in. The best in Modern Erotic Art. These things will be around for a long time and that makes me smile.
q)Last Books you read?
a)Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille
q)Last records you bought?
a)I think it was the Ghost World soundtrack
q)Your contacts….E-mail…Links
a)You can contact me at vesilone@netzero.net and check out my website
Cheers to everyone.And to a dear friend " he'll never die know one can kill him "