Interview with Daniele Cascone

a)First of all, I'm sorry for my bad bad bad English... I'm Italian and bad spellings are in ambush! :)
Well, my name is Daniele Cascone, I'm from Ragusa and I came in this world on September 1977. I normally work as web designer and I like digital art. I create pictures whit Photoshop and digital photography. I also have a web-magazine about arts called Brain Twisting and a photoblog called Reflectiva.
Well, my name is Daniele Cascone, I'm from Ragusa and I came in this world on September 1977. I normally work as web designer and I like digital art. I create pictures whit Photoshop and digital photography. I also have a web-magazine about arts called Brain Twisting and a photoblog called Reflectiva.
q)How would you describe your work?
a)mmm... my art it's me! :) It’s just the representation of my secrets and my feelings in a picture.

q) Did somebody encourage you to become an artist?
a)No, but people who saw my works have generally a good opinion that give me an incentive to persevere and improve my technique.
q) What is your favourite medium?
a)I use Photoshop for 90% of my productions. I prefer it because I can modify all I want: paintings, photos, textures etc. If I make a mistake or I want to change something, I can return back to my step.
Another indispensable medium is my digital reflex. I use it to create the main subjects of my picture. I use also acrylics, oil paint and ink which are included always in my artworks.
q) Can you describe your process, from the seed of an idea to a complete work?
a)I’m very nebulous and improvised… generally I always shot photo and collect objects that I can use for my pictures. Then, when I have some ideas, I sit on my computer and I start to make the artwork whit this stuff collected in the past and, if is necessary, I search new object or painting something that I need at the moment. When I think that my image is completed, I stop to work on it and I think to something else. After two days I return to see it and, if I don’t have something to change, I publish it on my website. It’s really finished!
q) Generally speaking, where do your ideas come from?
a)Everywhere! I like cinema, literature, art, design, photography and travelling around the world. Everything is a source of inspiration. I spend many time around Internet, that is my main medium to read up.
Moreover, I like art, from medieval art to our days.

q) Did somebody encourage you to become an artist?
a)No, but people who saw my works have generally a good opinion that give me an incentive to persevere and improve my technique.
q) What is your favourite medium?
a)I use Photoshop for 90% of my productions. I prefer it because I can modify all I want: paintings, photos, textures etc. If I make a mistake or I want to change something, I can return back to my step.
Another indispensable medium is my digital reflex. I use it to create the main subjects of my picture. I use also acrylics, oil paint and ink which are included always in my artworks.
q) Can you describe your process, from the seed of an idea to a complete work?
a)I’m very nebulous and improvised… generally I always shot photo and collect objects that I can use for my pictures. Then, when I have some ideas, I sit on my computer and I start to make the artwork whit this stuff collected in the past and, if is necessary, I search new object or painting something that I need at the moment. When I think that my image is completed, I stop to work on it and I think to something else. After two days I return to see it and, if I don’t have something to change, I publish it on my website. It’s really finished!
q) Generally speaking, where do your ideas come from?
a)Everywhere! I like cinema, literature, art, design, photography and travelling around the world. Everything is a source of inspiration. I spend many time around Internet, that is my main medium to read up.
Moreover, I like art, from medieval art to our days.
q) How long does it take to complete a piece?
a)The time is much variable! I can complete a piece in two days or in a couple of month… it depends by my inspiration, wishes and apathy… but generally five days is the ideal time.
q) Who are your favourite artists…and who are some artists you are currently looking/listening to?
a)I Like too much Caravaggio and the Impressionists. I like many digital artist like McKean and Bavari, and photographers like Witkin and Saudek.
a)I Like too much Caravaggio and the Impressionists. I like many digital artist like McKean and Bavari, and photographers like Witkin and Saudek.
q) Are you represented by a gallery? Do you have any upcoming exhibits?
a)During the last months I didn’t make more exhibits… maybe I’ll restart with some exposition in Italy in December.
q) Do you have any 'studio rituals'? As in, do you listen to certain types of music while working? What helps to get you in the mood for working?
a)I must be relaxed and excited in the same time… I work only in my computer because there I have all I need. Music is important, and Winamp is always open!
q) What is your favourite a) taste, b) sound, c) sight, d) smell, and e) tactile sensation?
a)Sight, definitely!

a)My goal is to make art that satisfy me at 100%... but is impossible! :)I want to express, whit images, all I have in my mind and make this at the best I can… this is the priority.Then, if I become famous with my artworks, it’s not a bad thing! :)
q) When have you started using the internet and what role does this form of communication play for you, personally, for your art, and for your business?
a)I started with Internet in 1997, but it’s in the 2001 that I have increased my interest about web communities and digital art. Internet it’s very important to promote myself and allows me to reach more people and contacts. I think that my life was really changed.
q) Do you have preferred working hours? Do you pay attention to the time of the day or maybe specific lighting?
a)No, I have worked fine in every hour of the day, from the early morning to all night-long. It depends especially from my humour.
q) Do you do commissioned works?
a)Yes, but it’s rarely…

a)Be stubborn! :)
q)…Your contacts
a)My personal website:
My photoblog:
My web-zine about digital art:
My photoblog:
My web-zine about digital art:
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