Interview with Aaron K

a)Aaron K
q) Where do you live and work?
a)Auckland, New Zealand
q) What is your creative process like?
a)I become inspired by something I experience. After a while this develops into a potential shoot concept. I think about how I can communicate the concept visually. I assemble the best team I can (i.e. models, stylist, make-up artist, etc.) Finally I shoot, edit, and retouch.
q) What is your favorite medium?
a)At the moment, photography – but I want to start experimenting with film.

q) What is your current favorite subject?
a)Fashion – because it’s always changing.
q) How long does it take for you to finish a piece?
a)It depends. At least a week or two. Sometimes it can drag out for months. Deadlines are good – they keep me on track.
q) What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
a)Not going broke. Fashion photography is an incredibly competitive industry, and there seems to be way too many ‘trust fund’ shooters who don’t charge nearly enough (if anything).
q) Are there any contemporary artists that you love?
a)Yes, many – far too many to list here. My favourite photographer is Nick Knight. I don’t always like his work, but he’s a true visionary.
q) Can we buy your art anywhere?
a)Anyone wanting to purchase my work can contact me directly via my website –
q) Anything that people should know about that we don’t??
a)I’m the founder and creative director of Bullet Mag ( an online publication that showcases fashion, beauty, art, music, etc.
q) What is your best piece of advice for those who would like to rise in their level of artistry?
a)Rule number 1 for any artist: Always retain copyright! (Read those contracts and competition terms very carefully – do not give away your rights by mistake)
Other than that… Perseverance pays off. Don’t expect to make it big over night.
And a ‘credit’ in a magazine won’t pay your rent – money from the magazine publisher will.
q) What inspires you to keep going when the work gets frustrating or tough?
a)For commercial work knowing I’m going to get paid always helps. For my personal work I enjoy a struggle – it makes you appreciate the final product more.
q) How do you describe your work to those who are unfamiliar with it?
a)Fashion & beauty photography. When I nail an assignment/project I like to think its ‘thought provoking’ or ‘inspiring’ fashion & beauty photography

q) What kind of training did you have which helped you achieve your current level of artistry?
a)I have a Bachelor of Design (Photography Major) from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand. I also assisted a number of talented commercial photographers for 3 years.
q) Is there a tool or material that you can’t imagine living without?
a)My computer. It died recently and everything came to a grinding halt. Very scary!
q) Who are your influences?
a)Anyone or anything that makes me say “Damn, I wish I’d thought of that.”
q) What inspires you to create?
a)Being alive. I couldn’t imagine not being able to create on a regular basis. It’s the sole reason for living, isn’t it?

q)…your contacts…