Interview with Sergio A.Delgado

q)What is your name?
a)My name is Sergio A. Delgado.
q) Where do you live and work?
a)I live in Dallas, TX and I’m a full time artist.
q)What is your creative process like?
a)I am constantly observing. My creative mind soaks up what is revealed in life. I store information, ideas, and future concepts that just await their creative outlet.
q)What is your favorite medium?
q)What is your current favorite subject?
a)I know this will sound odd, but I’m exploring sex right now. I’m such a conservative when it comes to that theme that I’ve always thought that I would explore it sooner than later.
q)How long does it take for you to finish a piece?
a)It use to take me about a month. I would second guess myself and go back and edit the pieces then find a new flaw and edit it some more. These days I can shoot, edit and be done with a piece in about a week.
q)What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
a)I recently landed a solo show at the HALEY-HENMAN modern art gallery here in Dallas. I’ll be the first photographic artist they have shown and they offered me a one man show. I could not be happier.
q)Are there any contemporary artists that you love?
a)I have so many really. I’ve always liked Joel Peter Witkin, Cindy Sherman, Nan Goldin, Terry Richardson, David LaChapelle, and Helmut Newton. Then there are artist like Chuck Close, Matthew Barney, Odd Nerdrum, Damien Hirst, and Wolfgang Zelmer that I love and admire. The list goes on and on.
q)Can we buy your art anywhere?
a)Right now my art is semi exclusive with the Haley-Henman gallery.
q)Anything that people should know about that we don’t?
a)I have really small nose holes. Art sustains me. And let’s see… I have less fear about my future.
q)What is your best piece of advice for those who would like to rise in their level of artistry?
a)Go out there in the world and create. If it’s not art what ever you can contribute to your fellow man - what ever makes this world a better place is well worth your effort.
q)What inspires you to keep going when the work gets frustrating or tough?
a)Music. It’s my escape. I love discovering new music. New artist. I don’t listen to the radio.
q)How do you describe your work to those who are unfamiliar with it?
a)Bold, unafraid, unapologetic and fresh.
q)What kind of training did you have which helped you achieve your current level of artistry?
a)I’ve been a photographer for half my life that’s about 17 years - give or take. I was a painter before that and I’ve just learn to trust yourself. If you go down the wrong route, just back it up and go down another road.
q)Is there a tool or material that you can’t imagine living without?
a) My camera. I mean I could be a poor starving artist with no home or food, but with my camera, I could take wonderful images that would provide me with anything that I lack. Oh and coffee. Have to have my coffee.
q)Who are your influences?
a)I actually get influenced by people more often than not. I was recently influenced my Douglas Derracott for all his belief in me. He’s supported me as an artist when I value his artistic opinion above all else.
q)What inspires you to create?
a)I have to create. I’ve written a novel. I’ve written 3 books of poetry. I’ve had 4 art shows. I can’t think of myself not creating. It’s in my blood; a driving force that I can’t explain. I think it’s present in all of us.
q)…your contacts…
a)Sergio A. Delgado
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