...Finally for&always for Underground-Press(http://www.underground-press.net/ 36 pg. – 21x15 – b/w - 4,00 €) ...&yes...&finally&...&just now is on the true paper...& it's out ...&in this world my new ''comic''(...?...!) book...:''L'ERETICO COWBOY''...
...Yes naturally I could tell you something on the story...but I don't now if I want to tell something becouse I don't know if today I'm so good to tell you something...
...Well..it's a strange story really,but believe me it's a true story...how much love...how much pain...how much of all in this story...but if I've to be sincere just now I don't remember well what I've drawn and written in ''L'ERETICO COWBOY''....but also and just now I think it's not so important tell something on ''L'ERETICO COWBOY...so go to Underground-Press(http://www.underground-press.net/) and buy it...soon....now!!!!!
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